our story


 i would love to introduce myself to you, i am Lutie Lynn ~ owner and creatress of Lutis Flower Creations. here we offer custom and ready to ship dream jewelry. as well as wall hangings, specifically dream catchers; all with genuine healing crystals incorporated. and recently have been incorporating real butterfly wings into my jewelry

my business began back in 2015 after i graduated from high school in Wisconsin. i knew right off the bat college wasn’t for me. growing up i always had a passion for the arts; whether it be painting, drawing or hands on creations.. i was always creating. opening up an Etsy shop was my first way of getting my handcrafted products out to others, but felt the instagram community had way so much more to offer, so i closed my Etsy and expanded on instagram. now, i am blessed to have this amazing website to continue radiating my heARTwork out to lovely souls, like you!

i try to get inspired by something new with my creations at least once a day. incorporating healing crystal gemstones into my jewelry & wall hangings has brought such a powerful & heartfelt vibration within my pieces. these precious gemstones are way more than shiny objects... but metaphysical guides pushing us exactly where our souls need to be


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